Goal and Objectives

The goal of the Housing Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan is “to create an adequate supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for all residents of Collier County.” With the exception of housing opportunities provided to citizens of very modest means, the provision and maintenance of housing is traditionally a function of the private market. The development of private housing in Collier County is driven by an expensive housing stock, effectively excluding low-income and working class families from the housing market. Thus, there is a need for the county to find ways to encourage the provision of affordable housing for these families.

58% of jobs in collier county pay less than $45000 per yearThe primary objectives of the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan are listed below. To read the full plan, please click here.

  • OBJECTIVE 1: Provide new affordable housing units in order to meet the current and future housing needs of legal residents with very low, low, moderate, and affordable workforce incomes, including households with special needs such as rural and farmworker housing in rural Collier County.
  • OBJECTIVE 2: Increase the number of affordable housing units by the methods contained in Objective 1 for very low, moderate, and affordable workforce income residents with the assistance of for-profit and not-for-profit providers of affordable housing within the county and its municipalities.
  • OBJECTIVE 3: Continue to support and adequately fund housing programs to promote the preservation and protection of existing, stable residential neighborhoods. This will be accomplished through the State Housing Initiatives Partnerships (SHIP) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs, including but not limited to, down payment and closing costs assistance, rehabilitation and emergency repair, demolition with new construction, and impact fee deferrals.
  • OBJECTIVE 4: Conduct housing surveys every three years or sooner for the purpose of identifying substandard dwelling units. Through continued enforcement of housing codes and the provision of housing rehabilitation or replacement programs, the number of substandard units associated with a lack of plumbing and/or kitchen facilities throughout the County shall be reduced by 5% per year through rehabilitation or demolition.
  • OBJECTIVE 5: Annually monitor all identified historically significant homes in order to promote the conservation, maintenance and/or rehabilitation of those structures.
  • OBJECTIVE 6: Monitor changes to state and federal regulations pertaining to group housing and Continuing Care Retirement Centers and, as necessary, amend the Land Development Code to ensure compliance.
  • OBJECTIVE 7: Restrict new re-zonings for mobile home development to areas outside the Coastal High Hazard Area (as depicted on the countywide Future Land Use Map), due to area’s susceptibility of flooding and storm surge.
  • OBJECTIVE 8: Using SHIP, CDBG or other funding sources and in partnership with Federal, State, and non-profit housing agencies, to provide in concert with Objective 1, a number of rehabilitated or new residential units per year for very low, low, moderate, and affordable workforce income residents, based in identified need. Families benefitting from such housing include, but are not limited to, farmworkers and other populations with special housing needs.
  • OBJECTIVE 9: Support housing programs that encourage the development of energy efficient and environmentally sensitive housing.